Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency's safety principles

The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency's safety principles are a principled statement promoting safety. They create guidelines and direction for safe operation and its continuous improvement as well as a framework for setting more detailed safety targets. The safety principles cover all transport modes of the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency.
The Director General has approved the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency's new safety principles on 29 March 2021.

Our statement for safety

Our safety principles lay the foundation for the promotion of a strong safety culture and make it possible to succeed safely in your work, whether you work for the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, ELY or the agency. Together, we ensure the safety and operating conditions of our operations and route maintenance.

Our aim is to protect the users of our transport routes, our employees, transport property, information, reputation and the environment from accidents and damage or harm.

We are committed to these principles together!

We act proactively

•    We identify safety threats and risks to our operations and route maintenance and prepare for them.
•    We take security aspects into account in decision-making.

We follow safety practices together

•    We address identified deviations, threats and dangerous activities and look after each other.
•    We ensure our operations

We ensure that our operations and route maintenance comply with the safety objectives set in legislation and procedures we have agreed on.

We develop our safety expertise
•    We increase awareness and understanding of the impact of our activities and the factors that help us succeed.